%A NIM. 18204020026 Eka Utari Handayani %O Dr. Hj. R. Umi Baroroh, S.Ag., M.Ag, %T PENDEKATAN, METODE DAN STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA ARAB ERA PANDEMI DI MTS AL-IKHLAS BERBAH SLEMAN %X This research is motivated by the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia so that in March 2020 the government must take action to carry out learning from home. Then on August 8, 2020 the government decided to allow face-to-face learning in green and yellow zones with mandatory requirements to comply with health protocols. With the change in the learning model, there is a shift in approaches, methods and learning strategies and their development that must be adapted to the situation and conditions as well as school facilities and infrastructure. The focus of this research is the learning approaches, methods and strategies used by Arabic teachers during the covid-19 pandemic, namely when learning online and face-to-face.This study aims to describe and map the learning approaches, methods, and strategies used by Arabic teachers in the era of the covid-19 pandemic; this is because there is a transition from face-to-face learning to online learning, then back to face-to-face learning. This research is a quantitative study with a socio-psycholinguistic approach—data collection techniques by interview, observation, and documentation. At the same time, the data analysis technique used qualitative analysis methods and descriptive-analytic techniques. The results showed that: first, the approach used by the teacher during online learning was media-based (Whatsapp and Google docs), aural-oral approach, and a contextual approach. The approach used face-to-face (new normal) is a communicative approach and a contextual approach. Second, Arabic teachers' learning methods when online are translation methods, drill methods, and recitation learning methods. Meanwhile, the new normal is the meme-mem method, the qirā'ah method, and the eclectic method. Third, the learning strategy used by the teacher during online learning is active learning. Meanwhile, face to face is an active learning strategy and PAIKEM. The covid-19 pandemic requires teachers to master technology, be responsive, active, and move quickly in an emergency. %K Approach, Method, Strategy, Covid-19 Pandemic %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib45495