%A NIM: 18208010005 M. ASRI SETIAWAN %O DR. IBNU MUHDIR, M.Ag %T PENGARUH FAKTOR INTERNAL DAN EKSTERNAL PROGRAM MISYKAT TERHADAP PENINGKATAN KESEJAHTERAAN MUSTAHIK (Studi Kasus di Lembaga Amil Zakat DT Peduli Cabang Yogyakarta) %X The reason why researchers are interested in conducting this research is that the economic level of the Indonesian population is still deteriorating, causing a low level of social welfare in general. This can be seen from the implementation of development in developing countries including Indonesia, which has failed to bring about the welfare of the people as a whole. For example, there are still many people who are included in program keluarga harapan (PKH)) in Indonesia. Therefore, researchers are interested in researching with problem formulations, including to determine the effect of mentoring, training, business capital from the Misykat program on improving the welfare of mustahik. Researchers took research samples from the Mustahik program Misykat DT Peduli Yogyakarta. The purpose and benefit of this research are to increase the number of members of the Misykat to increase their income in particular and the Indonesian people in general. Apart from that, the researchers hope that this research can provide information to members as well as other ordinary people to get access to non-governmental Islamic financial services as another alternative that can help them improve their economy and the welfare of their families. In this study, sampling using a purposive sampling technique. This technique is a non-random sampling technique by determining specific characteristics by the research objectives. The data collection technique was done employing a questionnaire, interview, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique uses descriptive analysis of respondents, descriptive statistical analysis of variables, multiple linear regression analysis, assumption test, and hypothesis testing. The simultaneous test results (Test f) show that mentoring, training, business capital, education level have a significant effect simultaneously on the welfare of the Mustahik program Misykat DT Peduli Yogyakarta. Then partially (t-test) Business capital has a significant and significant effect on the welfare of mustahik, while the level of education and economic training has no significant effect on increasing the welfare of mustahik partially. %K Assistance, Economic Training, Business Capital, Education Level, Mustahik Welfare %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib45516