%A NIM.: 16690014 Fiqi Rofingah %O Pembimbing : Ika Kartika M.Pd.Si. %T PENGEMBANGAN MODUL IPA BERBASIS ETNOSAINS UNTUK PESERTA DIDIK SMP/MTs KELAS VII %X This reseacrh aims to produce ethnoscience-based science modules for students in grade VII SMP /MTs, knowing the quality of ethnoscience-based science learning modules for students in grade VII SMP /MTs, knowing the student’s response of ethnosains-based science learning modules in MTs N 1 Kebumen. This study is a research and development study (R&D) with the development model is a procedural model. Development procedures using 3-D models include Define (definition), Design, and Develop which are restricted to limited trials. The research instruments used are validation sheets, assessment sheets, and student response questionnaires. Ethnosains-based IPA module quality assessment using likert scale with 4 scale and student response using guttman scale created in checklist form. The result of the research is ethnoscience-based science module for junior high school students / MTs Grade VII. Ethnoscience used in the form of Sokka tile located in Kebumen Regency. The quality of science modules based on the assessment results of material experts, media experts, and science teachers obtained the very good (SB) category with consecutive average scores of 3.89, 3.77, and 3.67. The student's response to the IPA module in the limited trial obtained an agreed category (S) with an average score of 0.94. %K Modul IPA, Etnosains, Genteng Sokka %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib45572