<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "AKAD MURABAHAH PADA PEMBIAYAAN TAKE OVER (STUDI KASUS PADA BANK BNI SYARIAH KANTOR CABANG YOGYAKARTA)"^^ . "This research examines the implementation of the law on the practice of\r\nfinancing debt transfer (take over) at BNI Sharia Yogyakarta Branch. An\r\nalternative or process for the settlement of customer financing debt (take over)\r\noccurs in ongoing financing at the previous bank (first creditor). Apart from being\r\nregulated in the Fatwa of the National Sharia Council-Indonesian Ulama Council\r\n(DSN-MUI), the rules regarding these are also contained in a Bank Indonesia\r\nCircular Letter (SEBI) stipulated by Bank Indonesia. However, the BNI Sharia\r\nYogyakarta Branch implements the Murabahah contracts which is one of the four\r\nalternative treatises in the DSN-MUI fatwa. Sharia banking considers that the\r\nrules related to the alternative contracts offered by other than the DSN-MUI\r\nfatwa are unclear and difficult to apply in sharia banks. The writer has two\r\nquestions for this thesis, those are how is the implementation mechanism for\r\nfinancing debt transfer (take over) at BNI Sharia Yogyakarta Branch and how is\r\nthe realization of law implementation of take over practices at BNI Sharia\r\nYogyakarta Branch.\r\nThe type of research is a qualitative research with a case study approach.\r\nThe author’s primary data and secondary data were collected using field research\r\nmethods through direct interviews and documentations. To answer the research\r\nquestions, the author uses the law implementation’s theory, which is about the\r\nvalue of justice and legal certainty to achieve the goal of real law implementation\r\nrelated to the take over practices.\r\nIn connection by these practices, the results showed that the legal\r\nobjectives to be achieved from the implementation of the legal take over practice\r\nat BNI Sharia Yogyakarta Branch were not maximal. This is because the essence\r\nof the two objectives in law implementation, those are the justice and legal\r\ncertainty has not been achieved. The author viewa that the existence of one choice\r\nof rules from the many rules regarding take over will lead to legal dualism, in\r\ntoher words there is no clear legal certainty for the take over practice in islmic\r\nbanking."^^ . "2020-12-15" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "FAKULTAS SYARIAH DAN HUKUM, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM.: 18203010090"^^ . "Dhaifina Fitriani, S.H."^^ . "NIM.: 18203010090 Dhaifina Fitriani, S.H."^^ . . . . . . "AKAD MURABAHAH PADA PEMBIAYAAN TAKE OVER (STUDI KASUS PADA BANK BNI SYARIAH KANTOR CABANG YOGYAKARTA) (Text)"^^ . . . . . "18203010090_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "AKAD MURABAHAH PADA PEMBIAYAAN TAKE OVER (STUDI KASUS PADA BANK BNI SYARIAH KANTOR CABANG YOGYAKARTA) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "AKAD MURABAHAH PADA PEMBIAYAAN TAKE OVER (STUDI KASUS PADA BANK BNI SYARIAH KANTOR CABANG YOGYAKARTA) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "AKAD MURABAHAH PADA PEMBIAYAAN TAKE OVER (STUDI KASUS PADA BANK BNI SYARIAH KANTOR CABANG YOGYAKARTA) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "AKAD MURABAHAH PADA PEMBIAYAAN TAKE OVER (STUDI KASUS PADA BANK BNI SYARIAH KANTOR CABANG YOGYAKARTA) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "AKAD MURABAHAH PADA PEMBIAYAAN TAKE OVER (STUDI KASUS PADA BANK BNI SYARIAH KANTOR CABANG YOGYAKARTA) (Text)"^^ . . . . . "AKAD MURABAHAH PADA PEMBIAYAAN TAKE OVER (STUDI KASUS PADA BANK BNI SYARIAH KANTOR CABANG YOGYAKARTA) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "AKAD MURABAHAH PADA PEMBIAYAAN TAKE OVER (STUDI KASUS PADA BANK BNI SYARIAH KANTOR CABANG YOGYAKARTA) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "AKAD MURABAHAH PADA PEMBIAYAAN TAKE OVER (STUDI KASUS PADA BANK BNI SYARIAH KANTOR CABANG YOGYAKARTA) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "AKAD MURABAHAH PADA PEMBIAYAAN TAKE OVER (STUDI KASUS PADA BANK BNI SYARIAH KANTOR CABANG YOGYAKARTA) (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #45656 \n\nAKAD MURABAHAH PADA PEMBIAYAAN TAKE OVER (STUDI KASUS PADA BANK BNI SYARIAH KANTOR CABANG YOGYAKARTA)\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Bank dan Perbankan" . . . "Ekonomi Syariah" . .