@phdthesis{digilib45676, month = {April}, title = {TINJAUAN HUKUM ISLAM TERHADAP KOMISI PADA APLIKASI EVERMOS ?EVERYDAY NEED FOR EVERY MOSLEM?}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 16380005 Azdi Noor Majid}, year = {2021}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Abdul Mughits, S.Ag., M.Ag.}, keywords = {Komisi; Ju?alah; Keadilan}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/45676/}, abstract = {This thesis is the result of field research (field research) with the object of research is PT. Evermos (Everyday Need for Every Moslem), with the title of the thesis "Review of Islamic Law on the Commission on the Evermos Application". In the sales system, Evermos contains elements of Multi Level Marketing and in the distribution of its commission to members there is injustice. As stipulated in Islamic law, it is that you must prioritize justice and stay away from wrongdoing attitudes towards fellow beings. So, from this problem, two problem formulations emerge, namely how the commissioning system practices in the Evermos application and how Islamic law views the commissioning system in the Evermos application. This data collection technique is obtained through observation and interviews. Furthermore, the data obtained from these sources is then analyzed using descriptive qualitative techniques with a deductive mindset, which means describing and describing the data obtained from the field related to giving commissions to the Evermos application. Based on the results of research in the field, the compilers concluded that in giving commissions to members, Evermos used the murakkab agreement or a combination of the two contracts, namely wakalah and ju'{\=a}lah. Meanwhile, in fact, in the field, the mechanism implemented by Evermos is part of the system using Multi Level Marketing (MLM), but not completely. It can be said that the MLM applied by Evermos is the latest Multi Level Marketing model made based on Islamic Sharia law to avoid prohibited buying and selling practices. When viewed from the point of view of fairness in the distribution of commissions, Evermos is considered to have applied the principles of justice.} }