@mastersthesis{digilib45691, month = {April}, title = {TES NARKOBA SEBAGAI SYARAT PRANIKAH BAGI CALON PENGANTIN PERSPEKTIF MAQ?{\d S}ID ASY-SYAR?AH}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 19203010091 FATIHATUL ANHAR AZZULFA, S.H.}, year = {2021}, note = {PROF. DR. DRS. H. MAKHRUS, S.H., M.HUM}, keywords = {Drug Test, Prospective Brides and Maq{\=a}{\d s}id asy-Syar{\=i}'ah.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/45691/}, abstract = {The goverment, in this case the Ministry of Religion of East Java Province, has collaborated with the BNN in East Java to issue a policy contiaining drug testing as prenuptial requirement for prospective brides with the aim of reducing the number of drug abuse, because drug users in East Java are relatively high and the impacts the accompany it. This policy is very important for the prospective bride and groom. This is because maintaining the integrity of the household is the way that must be taken to realize the birth of quality and quality offspring as well as the benefit of the household itself. Based on the description above, this thesis focuses on two problems, first, the background of the issuance of a cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Religion of East Java and the BNN in East Java Province, and secondly, the urgency of drug testing as a prenuptial requirement for prospective brides from the perspective of Maq{\=a}{\d s}id asy-Syar{\=i}'ah. The type of this research is library research with a qualitative research was descriptive analytical with juridical philosophical approach. The cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of Religion of East Java Province and the BNN in East Java Province is primary data supported by legislation as well as books and various related studies as secondary data. The result of this study showed that the background of the emergence of cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of Religion of East Java Province and the BNN in East Java Province which contains drug testing as a prenuptial requirement for prospective brides is that the East Java Provincial Goverment wants a clean, prosperous, prosperous area free from the shackles of abuse, drugs. Emphasize the high number of drug abuse and the extent of of the effects and dangers caused by consuming drugs, as well as an effort to give birth to a quality generation that is free from drugs. Futhermore, drug testing as a prenuptial requirement for prospective brides has urgency because it has positive values and goals. Viewed from the perspective of Maq{\=a}{\d s}id asy-Syar{\=i}'ah, premarital drug testing is in line with the maintenance of offspring ({\d h}if{\d z} an-nasl) namely to give birth to a quality generation, because taking drugs can cause HIV/AIDS and IMS infection. Realizing economic stability in the family, because drug addicts are synonymous ith spending their wealth to buy drugs and neglect the primary needs in their families due to the influence of drugs on brain performance ({\d h}if{\d z} al-?aql). Suppress the spread of drugs because regular consumption can damage the body?s organs and for pregnant eomen it can threaten the death of the fetus they are carrying ({\d h}if{\d z} an-nafs). One of the effort so that humans can pay attention to health so that their awareness is always nurtured in order to carry out their obligations, namely worship ({\d h}if{\d z} ad-d{\=i}n). Preventing economic collapse, because the cost of treating addicts is quite large is a form of maq{\=a}{\d s}id from {\d h}if{\d z} al-m{\=a}l.} }