%A NIM : 16208011003 ABDULLAH YAQIN %O Dr. H. Slamet Haryono, SE, M.Si. %T PENGARUH ISLAMIC SOCIAL REPORTING (ISR), LEVERAGE, KEPEMILIKAN INSTITUSIONALTERHADAP NILAI DAN PROFITABILITAS PERUSAHAAN %X This research fokuses on knowing the effect of islamic social reporting (ISR) leverage and institutional ownership on company’s profitability and value. Use fokuses quesion, 1) Effects of Islamic Social Reporting (ISR) to the corporate value, 2) effects if Islamic Social Reporting (ISR) to the corporate profitability, 3) leverage effects to the corporate value, 4) leverage effects to the corporate profitability, 5) effects of institutional ownership to the corporate value and 6) effects of institutional ownership to the corporate profitability. This research is a quantitative study that using all islmic comersial banks in indonesia as population. This research uses porposive sampling technique which then produces six islamic banks as sample. Research result showsthat islamic social reporting and institusional ownership have a positive effect on both profitability and value of the campany. Meanwhile, leverage only effects the campany’s profitability. %K Firm Value, Profitabiity Campanies, Islamic Social Reporting (ISR), Leverage, Institutional Ownership %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib45733