%A NIM.: 1330016016 Syakir Jamaluddin %O Promotor : Prof. Dr. Syamsul Anwar, M.A. dan Dr. H. Agung Danarta, M.Ag. %T METODE KRITIK HADIS TARJIH MUHAMMADIYAH DALAM MENGHADAPI HADIS-HADIS MUKHTALAF FĪH (STUDI ATAS PUTUSAN DAN FATWA MAJELIS TARJIH) %X Since its establishment in 1912, Muhammadiyah has been recognized as a tajdid (reform) movement intending to purify the Islam teachings of faith and worship and a mu’amalah (human relations) propagation movement renewal as well. A puritan organization is usually rigid and vulnerable to conflict, yet Muhammadiyah, with a motto of ar-ruju’ ila al-Qur’an wa as-sunnah (back to Quran and sunnah), stays solid, far from schism, with the second biggest number of members and the top community-owned business assets in the world. In its spirit to return to Quran and as-Sunnah al-maqbulah (valid), however, some daif (weak), even non-existent, hadiths are used for references. The study is intending to reveal what method of hadith criticism the Tarjih of Muhammadiyah has been using to select the hadiths and to deal with mukhtalaf fih hadiths, in dispute hadiths over their sanad (the chain of narrators of a hadith) and matan (content). How consistent are the decision and fatwa products of Tarjih with the manhaj (methodology)? What principles has the Tarjih of Muhammadiyah been taking to handle the dispute over rationale? The study shows that the method of hadith criticism employed by the Tarjih, in general, is of the same as that by ulama elsewhere; beside it outweighs matan criticism, sanad criticism is positioned as the threshold before judging matan criticism. Although 10.05% or 7 out of 66 Tarjih hadiths are inconsistent with their manhaj, it does not mean that the Tarjih itself is not consistent because 90% of them are. Concerning matan hadith disagreement, 10 examined themes were resolved in three ways, i.e. 3 themes in al-jam’u (compromising), 6 in at-tarjih (preponderance), and 1 in an-nasakh (removal). Therefore, Tarjih of Muhammadiyah tends to use the tolerant at-tarjih method where either argument predominates without underestimating the other. %K Method; Hadith; Tarjih; Muhammadiyah; Mukhtalaf %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib45742