@mastersthesis{digilib45748, month = {June}, title = {NILAI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER MODEL PESANTREN PADA PROGRAM BILINGUAL CLASS SYSTEM KEAGAMAAN MAN 2 KUDUS}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 17204011114 Endah Syamsiyati Nur Jannah}, year = {2020}, note = {Prof. Dr. H. Sangkot Sirait, M. Ag}, keywords = {Character Education, Islamic Boarding School Models}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/45748/}, abstract = {This research is motivated by the rise of moral decadence that occurs among adolescents. Such as brawls between students, the circulation of pornographic photos or videos among students, and so forth. One reason is that education in Indonesia focuses more on cognitive abilities. With a case like this madrasa has a very important role in shaping the character among students. MAN 2 Kudus became one of the breakthroughs in a character building with activities that adopted the pesantren models in it. This research of the problems are 1. how is the concept of the pesantren models in the religious BCS program MAN 2 Kudus, 2. how is the pesantren models in formal and non formal learning in the religious BCS program MAN 2 Kudus and, 3. What values of character education are there in the boarding school model religious program BCS MAN 2 Kudus. The purpose of this study is to find out the concept of the pesantren model in the MAN 2 Kudus BCS program, to know the pesantren model in formal and non-formal learning of the MAN 2 Kudus BCS program, and to find out the value of character education in the Islamic boarding school model of the MAN 2 Kudus religious program. This research is a field research conducted at MAN 2 Kudus. The subjects in this study were PAI teachers, as well as students of class XI in the religious BCS program MAN 2 Kudus. This research is a qualitative study using data collection techniques by interviewing, documenting, and observing. Data analysis techniques used are triangulation techniques and source triangulation. The theory used in this study is based on Masykuri Bakri's theory of the pesantren models. The results of this study indicate, that (1) the religious BCS program MAN 2 Kudus applies the concepts of the pesantren model based on routine activities. (2) the implementation of the pesantren model in character building through formal and non-formal learning activities in MAN 2 Kudus religious class. (3) the values of character education in the implementation of the pesantren model are the values of spiritual character, discipline, responsibility, fond of reading, curiosity, independent character, honesty, hard work. This research is expected to be able to contribute in making decisions and policies related to the character education model of students.} }