%A NIM: 17205010009 Ahmad Labiq Muzayyan %O Dr. Ahmad Baidowi, S.Ag., M.Si %T KRITIK MUHAMMAD IZZAT DARWAZAH TENTANG PENAFSIRAN SYIAH DALAM KITAB AL-TAFSIR AL-HADIS| %X The Book of al-Tafsīr al-Ḥadīṡ is one of many modern-day interpretation products written by a Palestinian reformist Sunni/Asy'ary, Muhammad Izzat Darwazah (1305-1400 H). One of the characteristics of Darwazah's interpretation is avoiding sectarian interpretations that have developed in the era of affirmations based on ideological reasoning. However, the writer found Darwazah paying special attention to the interpretation of the Shia. It will be interesting to study how the commentary and fascination on Shia interpretation in the Book of al-Tafsir al-Hadis. Apart of being mufassir, Darwazah is also a historian and political activist. This makes the interpretation-especially related to differences in school of interpretation-more interesting to study because of his scientific specifications. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Data were analyzed using Critical Discourse Analysis according to Fairclough, namely; (a) Textual (b) Discourse Practice, (c) Sociocultural Practice. Research results obtained include; First, the main problem criticized is the deviations of ta’wil and riwayat that the Shia tended to do, both from the bathiny (esoteric), ghulat (extreme), mu’tadil (moderate) groups although the degree of deviation was different. Second, Darwazah criticized Shia's interpretation in his book of interpretation as a warning against the massive Shia literature that became dangerous as it perpetuates the myths of their predecessors. Tasyayyu 'caused his followers to be fanatical of Shia teachings confused by politics that were not in harmony with religion and the Qur'an. This led to a split between Muslims. Whereas Darwazah expects togetherness among fellow Muslims in general and in particular that is closely related to Darwazah's political activities which are more involved in the British decolonisation movement and Arab nationalism. %K Al-Tafsir al-Hadis Izzat Darwajah, Shia, Critical Discourse Analysis %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib45749