%A NIM.: 13690008 Ely Yanti %O Pembimbing: Drs. Nur Untoro, M.Si %T PENGEMBANGAN MODUL PEMBELAJARAN FISIKA DENGAN PENDEKATAN PROBLEM SOLVING PADA MATERI HUKUM NEWTON TENTANG GERAK DAN PENERAPANNYA UNTUK KELAS X DI MAN 4 BANTUL %X This study aims to (1) Producing a physics module with a Problem Solving approach to the material of Newton's Laws of Motion and Its Application, (2) Knowing the quality of the physics learning module with the Problem Solving approach to the material of Newton's Laws of Motion and Its Application. This research is a Research and Development (R&D) research. Development is carried out by referring to the procedural model. This development research procedure is based on the 4-D model which includes 4 steps, namely (1) Define (2) Design (3) Develop (4) Disseminate. Research is limited to the Develop stage on product quality assessment. The data analysis used quantitative and qualitative data. The research instrument was a validation sheet and a physics module quality assessment sheet with a proble solving approach. Assessment of the quality of the physics module with the problem solving approach using a Likert scale with a scale of 4. The results of this study were 1) in the form of a physics module with a problem solving approach, 2) the quality of the physics module with a problem solving approach based on the expert's assessment of the physics module media with the developed problem solving approach obtained a Very Good (SB) classification with a mean score of 3.28, whereas on the material expert's assessment obtained a classification of Good (B) with a mean score of 3.02. %K Physics module; problem solving approach; teaching materials; bahan ajar %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib45754