%A NIM: 18204010014 Su’aidin %O Prof. Dr. H. Maragustam Siregar, M.A %T PROBLEMATIKA PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DALAM MEMBENTUK NILAI-NILAI MORAL SISWA DI SMP MUHAMMADIYAH BANTUL %X This research is motivated by several problems experienced by educational institutions, especially Islamic educational institutions. Among the problems underlying the researchers are, the existence of Islamic education problems that will have an impact on the decline in moral quality, the high number of delinquency, and the low attitude of courtesy of students in associating with teachers and the community. This research uses a qualitative approach. Sources of information for this research are Islamic religious education teachers and school principals and other sources that can support and add research data. The data collection techniques are done through interviews, participant observation, and documentation. First, there is a lack of good communication and coordination between parents at home and teachers who teach at school, so that parents do not know how their children's days are at school and what they learn, besides the lack of parental assistance in providing motivation to children. their children are good at doing each of their assignments and helping with any material that their children still don't understand at school. Second, learning methods that do not focus on inproving moral behavior so that it bicomes an obstacle in echieving the desired learning gols namely moral or moral inprovement. Many learning materials are wasted for free and are not conveyed to students. Therefore the material can be delivered if the use of the method must be in accordance with the needs of students. And the use of methods can support the achievement of teaching objectives and learning materials can be maximally accepted by students. Third, there is a lack of assessment of student behavior, both spiritual and social in everyday life, both inside and outside the classroom as a result of learning in order to control the development of attitudes and facilitate the growth of student behavior. %K Islamic and Moral Education. %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib45869