%A Nim: 18204010074 Muhammad Fadhil Alghi Fari Majid %O Dr. H. Sumedi, M.Ag. %T PEMBINAAN SIKAP TOLERANSI PESERTA DIDIK INKLUSI PADA PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DI SD TUMBUH 2 YOGYAKARTA %X This research originated from the admiration for inclusive schools that are able to embrace students from various backgrounds and diversity. Being children or at the age of elementary school, of course it is not an easy thing to foster a tolerant attitude, especially for inclusive students. As it is known that in a business like this, children tend to put their will only, without considering the impact that will be caused. The success of inclusive schools in providing students with tolerant values, of course, cannot be separated from the hard work of the entire academic community, especially for teachers of Islamic Religious Education. Therefore, in this study, the authors focus more on fostering tolerance for inclusive students. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach, located at SD Tumbuh 2 Yogyakarta. In the data collection process, the writer used several techniques, namely, interviews, observation and documentation. Whereas in the data analysis section, the writer uses several steps, namely, processing and preparing the data, reading the entire data, organizing the data, describing the data, presenting the results of the analysis, and making the interpretation of the research results. The results of this study indicate that there are several actions taken by Islamic Religious Education teachers in the process of fostering tolerance for inclusive students at SD Tumbuh 2 Yogyakarta, namely 1) The Islamic Religious Education teacher provides examples of good tolerance for inclusive students. 2) The Islamic Religious Education teacher provides a tolerance stimulus for inclusion students 3) The Islamic Religious Education teacher minimizes intolerance attitudes of inclusive students that have the potential to occur. %K Fostering Tolerance Attitudes, Inclusive Students, PAI Equalization %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib45902