relation: title: DETERMINASI KESINAMBUNGAN FISKAL DI SEPULUH NEGARA ORGANISASI KERJASAMA ISLAM (OKI) PERIODE 2009 – 2018 creator: Deni Candra, NIM.: 17108010049 subject: Ekonomi Syariah subject: Islam dan Organisasi description: Fiscal sustainability is an indication of the condition of a healthy government budget, which makes expenditures without having to incur debt. In writing the study aims to analyze the effect of macroeconomic variables on fiscal sustainability. Where fiscal sustainability research is seen from the ratio of debt to GDP. This study uses panel data regression with the best model approach is the Random Effect Model (REM). The results of this study based on the results of the T test explain macroeconomic variables such as GDP, inflation, government spending, interest rates, have a significant effect on fiscal sustainability. date: 2021-04-09 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Deni Candra, NIM.: 17108010049 (2021) DETERMINASI KESINAMBUNGAN FISKAL DI SEPULUH NEGARA ORGANISASI KERJASAMA ISLAM (OKI) PERIODE 2009 – 2018. Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.