relation: title: EVALUASI PROGRAM ADIWIYATA DI MI MA’ARIF BEGO YOGYAKARTA (Studi Model Evaluasi Context, Input, Process, Product) creator: Nurzakiah Simangunsong, NIM: 18204080014 subject: Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah description: This study aims to evaluate: (1) evaluating the context model in the Adiwiyata program, (2) evaluating the input model in the Adiwiyata program, (3) evaluating the process model in the Adiwiyata program, (4) evaluating the product model in the Adiwiyata program. This type of research is evaluative descriptive with evaluative approach and CIPP evaluation model. Data collection is done through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis is carried out through the process of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions / verification and recommendations. Data validation uses source and method triangulation. This research is based on the context, input, process, product implementation of the program. The four components of the CIPP are integrated with the four components of the Adiwiyata program, which are environmentally sound policies, implementation of an environment-based curriculum, participatory-based environmental activities and supporting environment-friendly infrastructure. This study produced four conclusions, namely (1) In evaluating the context of the need for madrasa residents to have a healthy, comfortable, beautiful and beautiful school so that the Adiwiyata program was created in the madrasa. (2) In evaluating the input of the availability of budget funds, human resources, and infrastructure that can answer the needs and as a supporter of the program. (3) In the aspect of the Adiwiyata program process has been running in accordance with Adiwiyata guidelines and guidelines, (4) In the product aspect the achievement of environmental care character and produce work from the results of environmental learning so that MI Ma'arif Bego received an Adiwiyata school award from the Regent of Sleman in 2017. The supporting factors of the Adiwiyata program are policy, human resources, joint commitment, land, infrastructure, and budget funds. Meanwhile, the obstacle in the implementation of the Adiwiyata program is the lack of joint cohesion in management as well as some personal attitudes of students who still do not care and have an environmental culture due to the inculcation of character in students. The results of this study recommend madrassas to continue the program and improve it accompanied by and recommending the Department of the Environment to assist the implementation of the next Adiwiyata program. date: 2020-07-10 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Nurzakiah Simangunsong, NIM: 18204080014 (2020) EVALUASI PROGRAM ADIWIYATA DI MI MA’ARIF BEGO YOGYAKARTA (Studi Model Evaluasi Context, Input, Process, Product). Masters thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.