%A NIM.: 18204010011 Akhmad Zulfikar Khabibulloh %O Pembimbing : Prof. Dr. Sangkot Sirait., M.Ag %T PENGEMBANGAN SIKAP NASIONALISME INTEGRATIF DALAM BUDAYA RELIGIUS SISWA MA ALI MAKSUM YOGYAKARTA %X This research is motivated by several problems experienced by educational institutions, especially Islamic educational institutions. Among the problems underlying the researcher is the problem of Islamic education which will have an impact on decreasing the quality of morals or attitudes, especially in the aspects of the nation and state, namely integrative nationalism. The high rate of national disintegration, such as; discrimination in law enforcement, the prevalence of racism, corruption, and cases of pornography, all of the above issues of national disintegration that have great potential to threaten the stability and security of the nation and state. This study uses a qualitative approach. Sources of information for this research are Islamic religious education teachers and school principals as well as other sources that can support and supplement research data. The data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, participant observation, and documentation. Based on the results of research and discussion of the development of an integrated nationalism attitude in the religious culture of students at MA Ali Maksum Yogyakarta, the researcher can draw the conclusion that the researcher finds empirical findings as an answer to the problem formulations that the authors have found in this study are: Some of the reasons related to the development of an integrative nationalism attitude in the religious culture of students at MA Ali Maksum Yogyakarta that the researchers found were: a) lack of coordination between teachers and parents of students, b) the influence of personal experiences, social and emotional environments of students, c) lack of assessment and evaluation learning outcomes related to the development of students' integrative nationalism attitude. The development of an integrative nationalism attitude in the religious culture of MA Ali Maksum Yogyakarta students is carried out from: a) Methods, materials, and implementation to develop an integrative nationalism attitude in religious culture through several steps, namely habituation of the religious atmosphere and internalization of PAI values in the internal and external classes, exemplary and civilization by all members of schools and Islamic boarding schools, including foster parents and biological parents. %K Nasionalisme Integratif dan Budaya Religius %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib46034