TY - THES N1 - Pembimbing : Dr. H. Muh. Wasith Achadi, S.Ag. M.Ag. ID - digilib46037 UR - https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/46037/ A1 - Zulfikar Mujib, NIM.: 18204010057 Y1 - 2020/12/30/ N2 - Religion starts from humans being born until they die, so in the religious dimension it requires religious education. Religious education itself can be obtained from life, be it from family, community and school. In reality, not all people receive a proper education such as formal education in schools, but they still learn from the circumstances that have shaped their personality. The formation of the personality of the Kembang village community began when they were children who always instilled religious values in their life dimensions. However, this changes when they enter the teenage phase, where their actions are very far from the religious dimension as evidenced by drinking, gambling and violence. Seeing this action, the head of the flower village has a strategy to change the behavior patterns of adolescents from negative things to positive things. The theory used in this research is the theory of diversity by CY Glock and R. Stark, namely: dimensions of religious practice, dimensions of belief, dimensions of religious knowledge, dimensions of religious experience and dimensions of consequences. This research is a field research, with a sociological approach, while the nature of this research is qualitative. Data collection methods used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis using the Miles and Huberman model, namely data collection, data reduction, drawing conclusions. The results showed that firstly the religious adolescents of coastal Muslims in Kembang village, Pacitan district, there are still many attitudes that deviate from the views of religious teachings such as drunkenness, gambling, violence and lack of obedience in carrying out their obligations as Muslims, also because of the technological advancement factors they have. less able to filter makes these negative behaviors formed. However, after the existence of programs or strategies proclaimed by the village head on how the religious practices of coastal Muslim youths could reap good results, this was evidenced by the existence of several youths who changed their religious patterns. Second, the efforts of the village head to overcome this are, based on religious principles, rectifying belief in God, basing faith, providing understanding of obligations, eradicating illiteracy, paying attention to the interactions of coastal youth, by always taking part in all activities that youths do. PB - UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA KW - Keberagamaan KW - Remaja Muslim Pesisir M1 - masters TI - KEBERAGAMAAN REMAJA MUSLIM PESISIR DI PESISIR DESA KEMBANG KABUPATEN PACITAN AV - restricted EP - 138 ER -