@phdthesis{digilib46080, month = {June}, title = {ANALISIS KRITIS MULTI AKAD APLIKASI OVO PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 17103080015 EMBUN NADA RAHMI}, year = {2021}, note = {Drs. KHOLID ZULFA, M.Si.}, keywords = {Multi Akad, Electronic Money, OVO Application, Islamic Law.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/46080/}, abstract = {Syariah economic law is an indicator as a system of filtering transactions that exist in the business world in order to avoid things that are prohibited in Islam, such as riba, gharar and acts that are prohibited in Islam. The problem in this study is how the implementation of multi contract in OVO application and how the analysis of Islamic law on the application of multi contract, where multi contract is one of the contemporary contract although there have been practicing a combination of buying and selling with other contracts in the time of the Prophet. In principle, all forms of intercourse are permissible unless there is a proposition that forbids it. There are several contracts that are implemented in the OVO application, namely, Jualah, Qardh, Ijarah, and Wadi'ah contracts. of such implementation almost perfectly fulfills the law of treaty in Islam. A contract that is collected like this in syariah economic law is called a multi contract, the type of multi contract in this OVO application is a collected contract (al-'uqud al-mujtami'ah). Multi akad is allowed in fiqh if it fulfills the conditions, that is, the accumulated contract does not include the contract that is prohibited in the nash, does not lead to riba, the combined contract does not include the contract that cannot be combined. Fiqh of the four schools gives the opportunity for multiple contracts in a transaction but by limiting that the transaction does not lead to usury. Meanwhile, in the compilation of syariah economic law, the multi-contract is considered valid if the collected contracts stand alone. Multi akad on the OVO application is allowed by looking from the side of the maqashid syariah, where the transaction as an economic activity is an activity with the content of worship. Aiming for a person to achieve true benefits, continue to follow the changes in the world of technology in the field of electronic transactions but do not set aside the nash-nash, so that it can meet all human needs.} }