%A NIM.: 18204011002 Effendi Yusuf %O Pembimbing : Prof. Dr. H. Maragustam Siregar, M. A. %T IMPLEMENTASI KEGIATAN EKSTRAKURIKULER ROHIS DALAM RANGKA MENGEMBANGKAN KECERDASAN EMOSIONAL (EQ) DAN KECERDASAN SPIRITUAL (SQ) DI SMA N 4 KOTA MAGELANG %X This research examines extracurricular activities at SMA N 4 Magelang in order to develop emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. This school realizes the success of students not only from intellectual intelligence, not from the materials in the classroom. However, Islamic religious education materials must be practiced. So that students can develop emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. The name of the extracurricular activity is Rohis. ROHIS stands for Rohani Islam. Rohis is an Islamic organization that operates in schools. The goal is to develop Islamic knowledge and insights from students in learning Islamic religious education in the classroom. So that students have self potential, creativity, religious experience and strengthen faith. This extracurricular activity is in accordance with the purpose of the system, which means to develop and develop students so that they become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have noble character, are knowledgeable, creative, independent and become democratic and responsible citizens. This study uses a qualitative approach by conducting research in the field (field research). Data collection techniques, in the form of observation, documentation, and interviews. The results of this study state that the spiritual extracurricular activities of SMAN 4 Magelang in order to develop emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ) for spiritual members properly The activities based on the program include: 1) Daily Program: a. Instagram results can develop emotional intelligence (EQ) well, b. Cleaning the mosque, the result can be to develop emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ) well. 2) Weekly Program: a. Spiritual routine forum, the result can develop emotional intelligence, b. Keputrian, the result can develop emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ) well (EQ) well. 3) Monthly Program: a. Bulletin, the results can develop emotional intelligence (EQ) well. 4) Annual Program: a. The result of the Islamic arts festival can be to develop emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ) well, b. Isra mi`raj, the result can be spiritual intelligence (SQ) well, c. LDKR and Makris, the results can develop emotional intelligence (EQ) well, d. Ramadan Islamic boarding schools, the results can develop emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ) well, e. Eid al `adha prayer results in developing emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ) well. %K Implementasi Kegiatan Rohis, Kecerdasan Emosional, Kecerdasan Spiritual. %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib46146