%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Rafiyanti Paramitha Nanu, NIM.: 18204090002 %B FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN %D 2020 %F digilib:46212 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Al-Habib Idrus bin Salim Aljufri, Pendidikan Alkhairat, Muslim Minoritas Kota Manado %P 133 %T KEPEMIMPINAN AL-HABIB IDRUS BIN SALIM AL-JUFRI PADA PENGEMBANGAN PENDIDIKAN ALKHAIRAT BAGI MASYARAKAT MUSLIM MINORITAS KOTA MANADO %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/46212/ %X The background of this research are the first is the Educational Concepts of Al-Habib Idrus bin Salim Aljufri. The second is Types of Leadership of Al-Habib Idrus bin Salim Aljufri. And third is the of developing Islamic education that has been carried out by Al-Habib Idrus bin Salim Aljufri in the Minority Muslim Community in Manado. This study aims to determine the Al-Habib Idrus bin Salim Aljufri's Leadership on Alkhairat Education in the Minority Muslim Community of Manado City. This research is a qualitative study with the type of research is Library Research Library Research, namely the research procedure is descriptive qualitative data in the form of written or oral words from various literature sources that will be examined. Source of Data The writing of this thesis is divided into two primary and secondary sources. This data collection technique is a library research. The technique used in this data collection is data collection, namely by collecting continuous library material with the object of the problem to be examined. The data analysis technique used is deductive analysis, which is done by explaining things that are general and first, then can be collected in general. Data analysis is Content Analysis which discusses information in depth The results of this study are the first is about The concept of education of Al-Habib Idrus bin Salim Aljufri; the concept of Al-Habib's education work and managed in a modern education, so that it could survive from the generation to the next generation. Al-habib and Islamic education does not make education that only educates the brain, but also the full potential of all human beings, including reason, spiritual and social character. can be explained that intelligence can not bring happiness to reason, it can even backfire one's morale can be optimally developed so that students can survive and give meaning in social and social life. the type that explains that charismatic leadership comes out of a person. The Traditional Leadership of Al-Habib Idrus bin Salim Aljufri is hereditary, and Rational Leadership is the way of thinking in building an Alkhairat Education. The third is the Development of Alkhairat education in Muslim minority communities in the city of Manado. Alkhairat education in Muslim minority areas in Manado, could be exist and continue to develop due to its inclusive nature in interacting with the surrounding community. Alkhairat development in Manado is a potential for Alkhairaat, considering that this region has a majority Christian population and society is also known as hedonists. Organizational activities carried out by Alkhairat through education are the main mission of educating are to educate and for the welfare of the Islamic community in Manado with the hope of an intelligent Islamic community. %Z Pembimbing : Dr Zainal Arifin, M.S.I.