%A NIM.: 18204090012 Far’ia %O Pembimbing : Dr.Istiningsih, M.Pd. %T SUPERVISI AKADEMIK KEPALA SEKOLAH SEBAGAI UPAYA PENINGKATAN KOMPETENSI PAEDAGOGIK GURU DI SMP ISLAM TERPADU AL ISHLAH KABUPATEN KONAWE SULAWESI TENGGARA %X The background of this research is the high and low quality of education is much influenced by the quality of the learning process carried out by the teacher, because the teacher directly provides guidance and assistance to students in an effort to achieve educational goals. Based on the data obtained there are still many teachers who experience difficulties in implementing the teaching and learning process . For this reason, the principal's academic supervision is one aspect that can help teachers in solving problems encountered in the teaching and learning process which includes planning, implementing, and evaluating learning activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the preparation of supervision programs, implementation of supervision, and supervision activities of principals. This research was conducted at the Integrated Islamic Middle School Al Ishlah Unaaha Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive. Qualitative approach. Sources of data in this study are the principal, student trust, and teachers in the field of study, as well as related documents as supporting data. Data collection techniques are interviews and documentation. While data analysis techniques are through data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The planning of the principal's academic supervision program is prepared at the beginning of the academic year of the odd semester and even semester program based on the aspects of the objectives, objectives, steps and timing of the implementation of supervision as well as preparing instruments to assess the ability of teachers to plan, carry out and evaluate learning. (2) The academic supervision of school principals is carried out 2 times in odd semesters, 2 times in even semesters. The principal uses an assessment instrument as a measuring tool to assess the teaching and learning process of teachers in the classroom during academic supervision. The implementation of the principal's academic supervision uses individual techniques consisting of classroom observation activities and individual meetings. (3) The stages of academic supervision during the Covid-19 pandemic began at the planning stage of the supervision program which was compiled together by the principal and his representatives which was carried out online, the implementation of supervision was carried out online which consisted of 3 stages, namely initial meeting, observation and feedback. The supervision evaluation is carried out online between the principal and the teacher to analyze and follow up on the results of the supervision. The approaches used are directive, non-directive, and clinical approaches. (4) The evaluation of the principal's academic supervision is carried out 2 times in the odd semester and 2 times in the even semester. Evaluation activities are carried out to measure the level of success of the strategies, techniques, and approaches used in the implementation of academic. The implementation of the evaluation of academic supervision using a non-directive, directive, and clinical approach. %K Supervisi Akademik, Kepala Sekolah, Kompetensi Paedagogik Guru %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib46216