%A NIM.: 18208010018 Karimatul Amali %O Pembimbing : Dr. Ibi Saitibi, S.H.I., M.Si %T PENGARUH PAJAK HOTEL, PAJAK RESTORAN, RETRIBUSI OBJEK WISATA, DAN KUNJUNGAN WISATAWAN TERHADAP PENDAPATAN ASLI DAERAH (PAD) DI PROVINSI JAWA TIMUR TAHUN 2014–2018 %X This study aims to see the effect of restaurant tax, hotel tax, retribution for tourist objects, and tourist visits on East Java Province’s Regional Original Income (PAD) during the 2014–2018 period. The samples taken were Batu City, Malang City, Surabaya City, Kediri Regency, Tuban Regency, and Sumenep Regency. The data used in this study were extracted from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of East Java Province and the BPS of each city/district. This research applies panel data regression method. The results show that hotel taxes have a negative and insignificant effect on PAD in East Java Province, restaurant taxes have a positive and significant effect on PAD in East Java Province, while retribution for tourist objects and tourist visits have a negative and significant effect on PAD in East Java Province. %K Pajak Hotel, Pajak Restoran, Jumlah Kunjungan Wisatawan, Retribusi Objek Wisata, Data Panel, Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD). %D 2020 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib46246