%A NIM. 16340015 SALSABILLAH PURHASARI PUTRI %O PROF. Drs. H. RATNO LUKITO, MA., DCL. %T REKONSTRUKSI DALAM PROSES PENYIDIKAN GUNA MENGUNGKAP KASUS PEMBUNUHAN BERENCANA (STUDI KASUS DI POLRES SLEMAN YOGYAKARTA) %X Reconstruction is a technique in the method of examination carried out by investigators in the process of investigating a criminal act which aims to obtain information, clarity, identity of a suspect or witness or evidence or elements of a criminal act that has occurred so that the position or role of a person or evidence in the criminal act becomes clear when it is stated in the Minutes of Investigation. The legal basis for carrying out the reconstruction is the Kaporli Decree No Pol.Skep / 1205 / IX / 2000 concerning the Revision of the Association of Guidelines and Technical Guidelines for Criminal Investigation Processes. This type of research is field research with a Normative Juridical approach. The data analysis method used by the compilers is the descriptive analysis method. Data collection is done through the results of interviews or observations about problems that occur in the field. The theory used by compilers to analyze is the theory of Criminal Procedure Law, Crime Theory, Reconstruction Theory, Theory of the stages of reconstruction, the theory of obstacles to investigators when the reconstruction is carried out. The results of the study explained that the investigator carried out an investigation in the form of a reconstruction process in which the reconstruction was a rearrangement of the actual incident against an offense committed by repeating the demonstration as the actual incident using evidence so that the investigation could strengthen the evidence to be submitted to the Prosecutor. and after that the case is further processed to the court session %K Criminal Procedure Law, Crime, Investigator, Reconstruction %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib46261