relation: title: PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM BAGI INVESTOR TERHADAP PRAKTIK OKNUM BANDAR DALAM BURSA EFEK PERSPEKTIF HUKUM PASAR MODAL creator: ANWAR KUSWANTO, NIM.17103040072 subject: Ilmu Hukum description: This thesis examines about "Legal Protection for Investors Against the Practices of Unscrupulous Dealers in the Stock Exchange from the Perspective of Capital Market Law". In the development of a country, the economic sector is one of the main pillars in the progress of the country, if the economy is healthy, the development of society will be more advanced. One of them is the capital market, which is one of the pillars of the country's economic development. Regarding the existence of a dealer in the stock exchange, it is no longer an open secret in the capital market. In dealing with the actions taken by bookies, namely manipulating the market and insider trading, what has happened in Indonesia is difficult to handle and legally, the existing regulations are not too strong in ensnaring the perpetrators, and there is a lack of evidence, so that the practice of violations by dealers looks smooth carry out the action. The types of research in writing this thesis are normative legal research and library research. Normative legal research is legal research that aims to obtain normative knowledge about the relationship between one regulation and another and its application in practice. And the approach in this research is a normative juridical approach. Juridical is a method of analyzing problems in a study from the point of view of applicable laws and regulations, and normative from the point of view of applicable norms. From the results of this thesis research, explaining the problems of unscrupulous dealers regarding their violations, namely market manipulation and insider trading has been explained in the Capital Market Law that these actions are legally prohibited normatively but still exist, from various parties who have the potential to become unscrupulous dealers. could be from influential investors, groups affiliated with the issuer itself for its own sake. And also a form of legal protection for investors, based on preventive analysis, namely by providing information, educating investors and disclosing material information on issuers to investors. Repressively, namely by imposing sanctions on unscrupulous dealers, both administratively and criminally, in order to ensnare individuals so that stock trading transactions on the stock exchange are conducive. Therefore, the role of the OJK is very important to enforce existing laws for the creation of a healthy capital market, and also to provide education to the public to be wiser in entering the capital market world. date: 2021-08-12 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: ANWAR KUSWANTO, NIM.17103040072 (2021) PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM BAGI INVESTOR TERHADAP PRAKTIK OKNUM BANDAR DALAM BURSA EFEK PERSPEKTIF HUKUM PASAR MODAL. Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.