%A NIM. 17103040107 DWI CAHYA GUNAWAN %O ISWANTORO, S.H., M.H. %T PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM PERJANJIAN ASURANSI BAGI USAHA TANI PADI DI KABUPATEN MAGELANG TAHUN 2020 (Studi Kasus Perjanjian Asuransi Antara Petani Dengan Perusahaan Asuransi Jasindo Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19) %X The world of agriculture is always faced with impossibility, such as natural disasters, and attacks by plant-disturbing organism, which often lead to crop failure. To respon this problems, the government implemented a rice farming insurance agreement program, which aims to protect farmers from existing threats. Magelang is a district located in the province of Central Java, most of the land is still used for agricultural land, plus areas that are classified as dissasterprone, climate change often occurs which can cause disturbance of plant-disturbing organisms, so that the rice farming insurance program is appropriate to be applied in Magelang Regency. In 2020, Indonesia was attacked by the Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) outbreak which resulted in restrictions in all activities and required a lot of handling costs, this of course would also have an impact on the implementation of program socialization, the amount of premium assistance funds, and claims policy. So the authors are interested in how the implementation of insurance agreements for rice farming in Magelang Regency in 2020 (Covid-19 Pandemic) in terma of the Deceree of the Minister of Agriculture Number 30 of 2018, along with obstacles in its implementation. This research is analytical descriptive in nature, which collects and describes all date relevant to the scientific work written in this case is the implementation of insurance agreements for rice farming in Magelang Regency during the Covid-19 Pandemic (2020) and the obstacles in its implementation. If it has been collected, it will be compiled, then analyzed using a juridical-empirical approach. This approach focuses on facts on the ground in accordance with the results of interviews and data obtained from applicable legal regulations. Then it is associated with the concepts of contract law theory, insurance theory, and law enforcement theory. The results of this research is that the implementation of the insurance agreement program for rice farming in Magelang Regency in 2020 is basically in accordance with what is stipulated in the Minister of Agriculture Decree Number 30 of 2018 and in general the implementation is not much different from previous years, which makes it a little bit different. The difference is because of the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak which has an impact on the socialization process, which requires extension workers to go directly to villages so that the socialization process does not cause a lot of crowds, beside that, rice farming insurance premium funds, the provision of ease of claim is also given for the sake of creating the welfare of farmers during the pandemic. The obstacles in its implementation are the lack of good understanding and interest of farmers in this prgram, less effective socialization, and uneven socialization so that there are still many farmes who do not know about this program. %K implementation, insurance, rice farming, welfare, Covid-19. %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib46310