%0 Thesis %9 Doctoral %A Yuniati Faizah, NIM.: 1430017016 %B Pascasarjana %D 2020 %F digilib:46313 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Child Custody Dispute; Children’s Best-Need %P 386 %T KONSTRUKSI PERLINDUNGAN HAK-HAK ANAK MELALUI PUTUSAN HAKIM : KAJIAN IMPLEMENTASI KONSEP KEPENTINGAN TERBAIK BAGI ANAK DALAM SENGKETA PENGASUHAN DI LINGKUNGAN PERADILAN AGAMA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/46313/ %X No matter how wise and peaceful a reason is, divorce is a nightmare to the divorcee’s children. In most cases, the existence of children in a family appears to be out of the judge’s consideration; that the reasons proposed by the plaintiff prove to be true in the eye of the judge is of priority. A problem following a divorce is child, the immature (mumayyiz) in particular, custody since the existing law does not cover the rights for post-divorced child while judgements of the judge as an integrated justice system varies depending on the meaning and paradigm of law he follows. Some are normative textual adherents, others are progressive contextual. The children’s need seems hard to apply. This research answers three questions: 1. What legal consideration the judge use to deal with child custody? 2. Why do adjudication varieties occur? 3. Do childcare-rights in the existing laws cover the child’s need? In this law research with normative juridical study pattern, the writer studied, analyzed, and strengthened arguments using maqasid sharia theory, justice theory, and law-invention theory. Case approach was used to examine judge’s verdicts while philosophical approach to analyze deeply legal issues on child custody from some different aspects to understand clearer and deeper the concept of children’s best-need. Three conclusions could be drawn. First, in their logic and considerations when dealing with child custody, some judges take the norms of law as they are without further interpretation in their verdict while others interpret them interdisciplinary and even attempt contra legem. Second, verdict disparity appears for three reasons: (i) different interpretations toward statutory provision from which different methods of interpreting law emerge, (ii) disparity in valuing facts and evidences, (iii) distinct point of views in perceiving the meaning of law. Third, the term ‘the best for the children’ in the verdict varies which leads to a failure when trying to put it as a universal concept of child care or custody in divorce cases. %Z Promotor: Prof. Euis Nurlaelawati, M.A., Ph.D. dan Dr. H. Agus Moh. Najib, M.Ag.