%A NIM.: 17108010001 Weri Mahendra %O Pembimbing: Dr. Sunaryati, S.E, M.Si %T DETERMINAN FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT (FDI) DI NEGARA-NEGARA ORGANISASI KERJASAMA ISLAM (OKI) PERIODE 2010-2019 %X This study explains how the influence of GDP, exports, HDI, corruption perception index and democracy index on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in 15 OIC countries, namely Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Nigeria, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Albania in 2010-2019. The existence of Foreign Direct Investment in a country can be useful as state revenue from tax sources, as well as the relationship between technology transfer, transfer of management expertise, development of entrepreneurial output and increasing the rate of national income in the economy. This study uses quantitative methods with secondary data and data collection through the World Bank, Transparency International, United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and The Economist Intelligence Unit. This study also uses panel data regression with the best model approach, namely the Random Effect Model (REM), to determine how much influence the independent variables such as GDP, exports, HDI, corruption perception index and democracy index have on the dependent variable (FDI). Based on the results of the F test obtained, it shows that in general the five independent variables have a positive and significant effect on FDI. Meanwhile, the T test results show that the GDP and export variables have a positive and significant effect on FDI. In the HDI variable, the corruption perception index and the democracy index have no effect on FDI. %K Gross domestic product; human development Index; exports; produk domestik bruto; investasi asing %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib46375