%A NIM: 19205010079 Achmad Fatturohman %O Dr. H. Zuhri, M. A. %T Ru’yat Allāh dalam Teologi Islam: Studi atas Pemikiran Imam Abu Ja’far al-Thahawi (237-321 H) dalam Kitab al-‘Aqīdah al-Ṭaḥāwiyyah %X In this study, the author explains how Imam al-Thahawi discusses the concept of al-ru’yah in the book al-‘Aqīdah al-Ṭaḥāwiyyah. It also explains the historicity of the discourse of al-ru’yah and how the concept is reinterpreted in the present context. In the second chapter of the research, the author explains the biography of Imam Al-Thahawi and the genealogy of the book al-‘Aqīdah al-Ṭaḥāwiyyah. In the next chapter, the author elaborates the thoughts of Imam al-Thahawi in the book al-‘Aqīdah al-Ṭaḥāwiyyah such as the idea of the Zat of Allah. Imam al-Tahawi’s ideas about the Attributes of Allah, and the historicity of ru’yat allāh discourse. In chapter four the author describes a critical study of the concept of ru’yat allāh in the book al-Aqīdah al-Ṭaḥāwiyyah. Imam al-Tahawi’s view of ru’yat Allāh, Imam al-Thahawi’s position in ru’yat Allāh, the relation of al-Tahawi’s thought with the views of contemporary scholars about ru’yat Allāh, and Salafi Wahhabi opinions in a concept of ru’yat Allāh. %K Imam al-Thahawi, Al-‘Aqīdah al-Ṭaḥāwiyyah, Ru’yat Allāh. %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib46384