@phdthesis{digilib46650, month = {August}, title = {PENGARUH SINETRON KEMBALINYA RADEN KIAN SANTANG TERHADAP NILAI ISLAM (Studi Desa Sawahan II Bleberan Playen Gunungkidul)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 14210053 Ahmad Nashir Mahmud G.S}, year = {2021}, note = {Pembimbing : Muhammad Lutfi Habibi, M.A.}, keywords = {Nilai Islam, Media Massa, Teknologi Informasi}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/46650/}, abstract = {Ahmad Nashir Al Mahmud G.S, 14210053, 2021. The Effect of the Return of the soap opera Raden Kian Santang on Islamic Values (Sawahan II Village Study Bleberan Playen Gunungkidul). Thesis, Department of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta. Media is something that cannot be separated from human life. Almost all activities carried out by humans are inseparable from the use of media, especially in the field of communication. The development of technology and information also affects the development of print media and electronic media. The theory used in this study is the theory of mass media effects according to Donald K. Robert. The soap opera The Return of Raden Kian Santang aired by MNCTV and Islamic Values according to Madjid Nurholis. Analysis of the data used in this study is descriptive statistical analysis, test requirements analysis and regression analysis. This study aims to determine how the influence of the soap opera The Return of Raden Kian Santang on the Islamic Values of the Sawahan II Village Community of Bleberan Playen Gunungkidul. Researchers make the villagers of Sawahan II bleberan playen Gunungkidul who watch the soap opera the return of Raden increasingly challenging as the object of research. The research method used in this study is a quantitative approach with a survey method that takes a sample from one population using a questionnaire as the main data collection tool, where the population in question is the village community of Sawahan II Bleberan Playen Gunungkidul and the sample in question is 60 people who watch soap operas. Raden's return is increasingly challenging from Sawahan II Village, Bleberan Playen Gunungkidul. The validity and reliability test in this study used the alpha conbach formula, with a total population of 435 people. Sampling in this study using the Simple Random Sampling technique so as to get 60 respondents. Data processing in this study used a Likert Scale. Analysis of the data in this study used the analysis of the produt moment and the coefficient of determination in its calculation using the help of SPSS version 16. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between the variable X (Watching the Return of Raden Kian Santang) and the variable Y (Islamic Value) as evidenced by the results of data processing using the SPSS 16 program, the value (sig) is 0.008 and less than 0.05. The effect of watching the soap opera The Return of Raden Kian Santang on Islamic Values of 11.4\% is in the low category. Because the results of the SPSS 16 program model summary table section R shows the number 0.114.} }