%A NIM.: 17107030054 Putri Erma Nailir Rochmah %O Pembimbing : Drs. Bono Setyo M.Si %T ANALISIS STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN DALAM MEMPERTAHANKAN BISNIS KAFE DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 (STUDI DESKRIPTIF KUALITATIF PADA KAFE BASABASI YOGYAKARTA) %X During the pandemic Covid-19 in Indonesia in March 2020. Mostly all the Indonesian people have a low in the economy, which is the food and beverage industry, especially in the cafe business. This study aims to find out the Marketing communication mix applied to Cafe Basabasi Yogyakarta for maintaining cafe business during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study used a qualitative method. And the case study used descriptive data as outlined in words. The Sources of data in this study were conducted by means of observation, interviews with the owner and manager of Basabasi Cafe, and documentation. The phenomenon in this study was analyzed using the theory of marketing communication mix from Kotler and Armstrong. The results of this study showed how Basabasi Cafe has success in carrying out a marketing communication strategy in maintaining the cafe business during the Covid-19 pandemic, by implementing 4 elements of the Marketing mix one by one and marketing communication mix. As well as carried out many promotional activities through digital media such as Instagram, and maintaining direct marketing communications. So that is returned in sales turnover by overcoming obstacles and carrying out solutions and then it can return to normal as before the Covid-19 pandemic. %K Strategi Komunikasi; Kafe Basa-Basi; Covid-19 %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib46652