%A NIM.: 19202010008 Putra Chaniago %O Pembimbing : Dr. Irsyadunnas, M. Ag %T NILAI-NILAI BUDAYA MINANGKABAU DALAM KONTRUKSI RETORIKA DAKWAH BUYA ZULHAMDI MALIN MUDO LC, MA %X Rhetoric is a form of unified message and personal communicator that aims to provide information (informative), to influence the audience on the same ideas and ideas (persuasive) and change the attitude of the audience as desired by the communicator (changing attitude). The use of kato pusako in da'wah activities in Minangkabau indicates that Minangkabau has a distinctive art of speaking or da'wah rhetoric to be used as a communication strategy and rhetoric that will fill religious studies in surau in Minangkabau. The objectives to be achieved in this study are to determine the implementation of Minangkabau cultural values in the construction of propaganda rhetoric by Buya Zulhamdi, Lc, MA when viewed from three sides, namely ethos, pathos, and logos. In this research, the writer uses case study research with descriptive qualitative method / critical analysis. The research subjects in this study were Buya Zulhamdi Malin Mudo, Lc, MA and the congregation who attended the recitation both at the mosque and throughmedia Facebook live streaming, while the object of the research was Minangkabau cultural values in the construction of da'wah rhetoric. The data analysis technique uses qualitative analysis techniques on data in the form of information, descriptions in prose language which is then linked to other data to obtain clarity of a truth. Based on the results of the research that the author did, it can be concluded that the implementation of Minangkabau cultural values in the construction of the rhetoric of the propaganda of Buya Zulhamdi Malin Lc, MA, namely in terms of Minangkabau traditional expressions, namely characters from the ethos aspect, takah from the pathos aspect and tageh from the aspect of the logos. Buya Zulhamdi Malin Mudo Lc, MA can be said to be urang Bachar or ketokahan which is constructed as a moderate scholar figure who understands the intricacies of Minangkabau natural culture on the basis of tau jo nan ampek (four knowledge). Buya Zulhamdi Malin Mudo is afigure batakah, namely batakah in mangecek (good at speaking), batakah in appearance (good in appearance). Buya Zulhamdi malin Mudo Lc, MA is a figure who is strict about the contents of the Kapalo (firm contents of the head) which has broad insight and deep knowledge, and is strict with the contents of the Dado (firm contents of the chest) that is to have a solid faith. %K Retorika, Nilai-Nilai Budaya, Buya Zulhamdi Malin Mudo, Lc, MA %D 2021 %I SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib46667