%A NIM. 18203010034 ASEP MIFTAHUDDIN %O PROF. DR. H. KHOIRUDDIN NASUTION, MA. %T PENCEGAHAN PERNIKAHAN DI BAWAH UMUR: UPAYA DAN PERAN MASYARAKAT DI KECAMATAN GEDANGSARI %X Underage marriage is a phenomenon that is cause for concern and often occurs in Indonesia. Despite the enactment of regulations regarding the minimum age limit of marriage in the Marriage Law No. 1 year 1974, but not enough to solve these problems. A good legal system needs to be enforced jointly to tackle the underage marriage, while the components of the legal system are in the form of a legal structure, legal substance and legal culture. Gedangsari Subdistrict, which is located in Gunungkidul Regency, has experienced a decrease in the number of underage marriages from year to year. The decline in the number of underage marriages was the result of the role of the local government and the enactment of the Gunungkidul Regulation on the prevention of underage marriages. However, studies have not been found on the role of community legal culture in reducing the number of underage marriages. Based on this, the authors feel the need to conduct research on community involvement and the role of community legal culture in the prevention of underage marriage in Gedangsari District. This research is a field research using a sociology of law approach, with a descriptive research character. Data collection techniques in this study used two methods, namely interviews and observation. The data analysis methods used were in the form of data collection, data reduction, data display, data interpretation and conclusions. This study resulted in two conclusions, namely: (1) the involvement of the Gedangsari community in the prevention of underage marriages in the form of forming a collective agreement on the prevention of underage marriages, the results gave birth to community movements such as socialization and counseling, holding dukuh declarations, tightening marriage permits, strengthening social and spiritual values as well as supervision of children. (2) The legal culture of the Gedangsari community has an important role in the prevention of underage marriages, as evidenced by: the community can understand and apply the rules of marriage and the minimum age limit for marriage, a sense of caution and vigilance arises towards children due to remembering the impact of marriage in Underage can be a disgrace to children, family and society, the community is able to understand the rights and obligations as citizens by obeying and implementing the rules and values that develop in society and society has known permissions and prohibitions so as to avoid actions that are illegal Based on this, through the mindset, attitudes and behavior of the Gedangsari community, it turns out to be able to play a role in preventing underage marriage. %K Underage Marriage, Role, Legal Culture %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib46678