<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "GAMBARAN KEKUATAN KELUARGA PADA PASANGAN YANG MENIKAH KARENA KEHAMILAN TIDAK DIKEHENDAKI"^^ . "amily is not only about the marriage, husband and wife, children or other things \r\nthat could be seen visually. Moreover, family is a unit that consists of strength to \r\nmaintain each other. The role of members is quite needed to create the quality and \r\nstrength in the family. The purpose of this study was to explore the strength of the \r\nfamily in couples who married because of married by accident. The research \r\nmethods used a qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Data collection in \r\nthis study were semi-structured interviews and observations. The informants of this \r\nstudy consisted of three married-couples who had required criteria. The criteria for \r\nthe informants were; 1) Married couples who are married due to by accident, 2) \r\nHusband and wife that are still bounded by a legal marriage, 3) Live a married life \r\nof at least 5 years, 4) Domiciled in Bantul, Yogyakarta. This study determined \r\ninformants using snowball sampling. Based on the results of the study, it was known \r\nthat the three married couples could fulfill the six characteristics of family strength, \r\nthese were appreciation and affection, commitment, positive communication, \r\nspiritual well-being, enjoying time together and being able to handle stress and \r\ncrisis. The all informants could fulfill the six characteristics of family strength. \r\nEach couple has its own way and positive strength to build their household."^^ . "2021-08-05" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN HUMANIORA, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM.: 17107010116"^^ . "Venni Yuliastuti"^^ . "NIM.: 17107010116 Venni Yuliastuti"^^ . . . . . . "GAMBARAN KEKUATAN KELUARGA PADA PASANGAN YANG MENIKAH KARENA KEHAMILAN TIDAK DIKEHENDAKI (Text)"^^ . . . "17107010116_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "GAMBARAN KEKUATAN KELUARGA PADA PASANGAN YANG MENIKAH KARENA KEHAMILAN TIDAK DIKEHENDAKI (Text)"^^ . . . "GAMBARAN KEKUATAN KELUARGA PADA PASANGAN YANG MENIKAH KARENA KEHAMILAN TIDAK DIKEHENDAKI (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "GAMBARAN KEKUATAN KELUARGA PADA PASANGAN YANG MENIKAH KARENA KEHAMILAN TIDAK DIKEHENDAKI (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "GAMBARAN KEKUATAN KELUARGA PADA PASANGAN YANG MENIKAH KARENA KEHAMILAN TIDAK DIKEHENDAKI (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "GAMBARAN KEKUATAN KELUARGA PADA PASANGAN YANG MENIKAH KARENA KEHAMILAN TIDAK DIKEHENDAKI (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "GAMBARAN KEKUATAN KELUARGA PADA PASANGAN YANG MENIKAH KARENA KEHAMILAN TIDAK DIKEHENDAKI (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "GAMBARAN KEKUATAN KELUARGA PADA PASANGAN YANG MENIKAH KARENA KEHAMILAN TIDAK DIKEHENDAKI (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "GAMBARAN KEKUATAN KELUARGA PADA PASANGAN YANG MENIKAH KARENA KEHAMILAN TIDAK DIKEHENDAKI (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "GAMBARAN KEKUATAN KELUARGA PADA PASANGAN YANG MENIKAH KARENA KEHAMILAN TIDAK DIKEHENDAKI (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #46699 \n\nGAMBARAN KEKUATAN KELUARGA PADA PASANGAN YANG MENIKAH KARENA KEHAMILAN TIDAK DIKEHENDAKI\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Masalah Sosial" . . . "Psikologi"@en . . . "Wanita Dalam Keluarga" . .