@mastersthesis{digilib46709, month = {August}, title = {LARANGAN PENGAJIAN SELAIN DARI I?TIQ{\=A}D AHLU'SSUNNA WA'L-JAM{\=A}'AH (Studi Terhadap Surat Edaran Gubernur Aceh Nomor 450/21770)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 19203010048 M. FAKHRUL MAHDI}, year = {2021}, note = {Dr. AHMAD YANI ANSHORI, M. Ag}, keywords = {Circular Letter, Political System, Ahlu'ssunna wa'l-Jam{\=a}'ah.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/46709/}, abstract = {Circular Letter Number 450/21770 from the Governor of Aceh The Governor of Aceh issued an order in early 2019 prohibiting the holding of recitations other than I'tiqd Ahlu'ssunna wa'l-Jam'ah. The circular letter is addressed to government departments and agencies. However, a number of people utilized the circular letter to disperse the recitation in the Al-Makmur Grand Mosque in Oman Lampriet, Banda Aceh, causing social unrest. The mob alleged that the Oman mosque's recitation was Wahhabi. The purpose of this thesis is to respond to three basic questions: 1. What is the significance of Circular Letter 450/21770 from the Governor of Aceh? 2. How did Circular Number 450/21770 on the Prohibition of Recitations Other Than I'tiqd Ahlu'ssunna wa'l- Jam'ah come to be? 3. What has been the response to the Circular? This is a qualitative study that employs an empirical legal studies or legal empirical of law approach as well as descriptive analysis. Meanwhile, this research is a field research using interview and documentation methodologies, based on the object of study and the orientation to be reached. This research is matched with suitable literature studies, depending on data from books, journals, archives, regional regulatory papers, and news to improve the existing data. The emergence of the phenomenon of recitation that teaches understanding/schools outside I'tiqd Ahlu'ssunna wa'l-Jam'ah who are from the Syafi'i school in Aceh, especially in the prayer rooms of Aceh government agencies, is the factor that caused the issuance of circulars regarding the prohibition of recitations other than I'tiqd Ahlu'ssunna wa'l-Jam'ah among Acehnese Muslims, and contradictory opinions of variations in interpreting Islam among diverse varieties of flow in Islam. While the process of creating the Circular demonstrates that the political system performs two primary tasks, the input and output functions. The Aceh Ulema Consultative Council (MPU), Aceh Dayah Ulama Association (HUDA), and Aceh Nanggroe Ulema Council provide input in the form of demands, namely Aceh Qanun Number 8 of 2014 concerning the Principles of Islamic Shari'a, while support comes from the Aceh Ulema Consultative Council (MPU), Aceh Dayah Ulama Association (HUDA), and Aceh Nanggroe Ulema (MUNA). The political superstructure and political infrastructure process the conversion system's demands and support. In the form of Circular Letter of the Governor of Aceh Number 450/21770, the findings of the formulation gave birth to a policy (policy) as an output subsystem. Circular Letter policy has both positive and bad consequences, which provide feedback to policymakers. The good impact manifests itself in the strengthening of Shafii worship in Ahlu'ssunna wa'l- Jam'ah and the reduction of recitations with new understandings or sects that are incompatible with the Qur'an and Hadith in Aceh, particularly in government organizations. While the negative impact of the Circular, which was intended for Aceh government agencies, was misinterpreted by some members of the community and then used as a tool to carry out violence in the name of religion against groups suspected of holding recitations outside the I'tiqd Ahlu'ssunna wa'l-Jam'ah. The Circular is made up of three different environmental subsystems: historical, socio-religious, and educational culture.} }