%A NIM. 19203010108 JASWADI, S.H %O DR. FATHORRAHMAN, S.AG. M.SI. %T PRAKTIK NIKAH DUA PEREMPUAN SECARA BERSAMAAN DI MASYARAKAT SASAK DESA BUJAK LOMBOK TENGAH: ANTARA KEBUTUHAN ATAU GAYA HIDUP %X The phenomenon of the practice of marrying a man with two women raises pros and cons. People who are against it do not accept the practice of marriage with two women at the same time, because such a practice will make the environment a subject of discussion by the general public. It's not just youths who are against what happened to one of the Montong Belok youths. Residents who were against or researchers called residents who protested at first only talked and commented with each other, they didn't know who to protest to, at that time they left only a few representatives to ask about this phenomenon to one of the religious leaders who were trusted in Montong Belok Hamlet as a mediator to relieve the problem. The approach method in this study is the Sociological Juridical Approach, which is to identify the extent of legal understanding of adolescents who marry two women at the same time as well as policies and solutions from the Office of Religious Affairs, Batukliang District, Central Lombok Regency. The results of this study indicate that the community's response to the practice of marrying two women simultaneously provides a response from the community. The community response that appeared in the Montong Belok Hamlet, Bujak Village, Batukliang District was divided into two parts, namely the response in the form of positive and negative. There are 3 (three) indicators that are factors/cause of the practice of marriage between the Mahidin and two women simultaneously, namely: a) The readiness of the Inner Birth of the Groom; b) Jealousy of the bride and groom; c) the consent of all the families of the bride and groom. The majority of scholars in Islamic fiqh only forbid a man who marries two women whose status is a sibling. However, if the contract is carried out simultaneously with one majlis, even though the two women are married, if in practice the contract is initiated by her biological sister and then the second contract is terminated by her biological sister (on the other hand) then in this case the wife of the man is the first biological sister to enter into a contract with him. Meanwhile, the last sibling to do the contract is invalid and even unlawful. Unlike what happened in Montong Belok Hamlet, Bujak Village, Batukliang District, there has been a marriage of one man with two women at the same time which in practice the marriage is carried out in one majlis simultaneously. %K Response,Practice,Polygamy %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib46720