%A NIM: 19203010019 RANNY APRIANI NUSA %O DR. OCKTOBERRINSYAH, M.AG %T KEADILAN DALAM POLIGAMI MENURUT PANDANGAN TOKOH AGAMA LEMBAGA DAKWAH ISLAM INDONESIA YOGYAKARTA %X This study aims to discuss the views of LDII Yogyakarta religious leaders in understanding justice in polygamy. As is known, in Indonesian marriage law, the conditions for justice are made as strict as possible so that later benefits can be achieved in polygamous families. Some contemporary scholars such as Fazlur Rahman also concluded that the justice that must be realized in polygamy is that which includes outward and inner justice. The LDII Yogyakarta concluded that the law of polygamy is sunnah and justice is only external. This is interesting to study seeing from his statement which tends to loosen the practice of polygamy, what is the background for this view, and so on. This research is a qualitative research that seeks to understand and appreciate the reality of the views of religious leaders of LDII Yogyakarta about justice in polygamy law in depth, by collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation. The approach used is a social history approach, and the results of the study were analyzed using al-Jabiri's epistemological theory. The results showed that: First, the concept of justice in the law of polygamy according to LDII is justice that is external (measured) and not justice related to love and affection. This opinion is based on QS An-Nisa verse 129 and the Hadith narrated by Abu Daud which states that the Prophet had prayed to Allah about his very limited ability (in doing justice). In concluding the concept of justice in polygamy, LDII uses bayani reasoning which is textual in nature. This textual view of LDII is an implication of the application of the manqul method that has been carried out since the inception of LDII until now. Second, LDII Yogyakarta's view of justice in polygamy is no longer relevant given the differences in generation, the difference in social conditions between today and the era when the verse was revealed, so that justice in polygamy needs to be reexamined so that it is in accordance with the initial mission of the revelation of the polygamy verse, namely for the purpose of benefit. %K Justice, Polygamy, LDII, Textual %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib46769