%A NIM.: 17108020036 Tasya Arum Dwi Prabandini %O Pembimbing : Alex Fahrur Riza,S.E.,M.SC. %T PENGARUH PEMASARAN ONLINE TERHADAP MINAT MEMBELI LAYANAN BANK SYARIAH MELALUI FITUR INSTAGRAM SEBAGAI MODERASI (STUDI KASUS GENERASI MILENIAL KABUPATEN BANTUL) %X Islamic banks are responsive to using online media as a promotional with changes the behavior of the millennial generation. Descriptive quantitative research design with a millennial generation population in Bantul Regency, producing 171 respondents. The analysis uses the Structural Equation Model and Partial Least Square test model with Smart PLS 3.3.3 measuring instrument, measuring the value of online advertising with informative indicators, credibility, entertainment, and disruption of purchase intention Islamic banks with the addition of instagram features as moderation. The results of the study, all indicators except distractions have a significant positive effect on advertising value. Then the ad value has a significant positive effect on purchase intention, but the Instagram feature is not stated to strengthen the relationship between the two %K Promosi Online, Nilai Iklan, Minat Beli %D 2021 %I SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib46796