%A NIM. 14620004 Sujadi %O Dr. Thaqibul Fikri Niyartama, M.Si %T ANALISA PEMODELAN SUBSTITUSI FLUIDA GASSMAN PADA SAMPEL BATUAN KARBONAT FORMASI X SUMATERA SELATAN %X Understanding the characteristics of elastic properties and seismic parameters of fluid-saturated rock is an interesting thing in the study of rock physics. Gassman fluid substitution is the most common approach for calculating the elastic and seismic parameters of fluid-saturated rock. The carbonate rocks of the South Sumatra X formation are the objects in this study, which are reservoir rocks from wells that are still actively producing. The results of this study indicate that the presence of fluid affects the value of rock elastic parameters and rock seismic parameters. The effect of rock porosity also affects rock seismic parameters. Rock samples with low porosity (sample 2) have a higher seismic velocity than rock samples with low porosity (sample 1) at 0% or 100% fluid saturation conditions %K Elastic Properties, Seismic Parameters, Gassman Fluid Substitution, Carbonate Rocks, Porosity %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib46836