%A NIM. 14620005 Lang Jenar Kusasi %O Rachmad Resmiyanto, S.Si., M.Sc. %T ANALISIS SISTEM MONETER DAN HIPERINFLASI DI ZIMBABWE BERDASARKAN MODEL MONETER GAS IDEAL %X Monetary pattern is a way of working finance. Today, the world monetary system uses the fiat money system, Fractional Reserve Banking (FRB), and interest rates. This system is the cause of world monetary problems along with all its derivatives; such as the disparity in wealth distribution, inflation, deflation, debt, and usury. FRB creates the imagination of money that "as it exists", when actually no.The purpose of this research is to dismantle monetary pattern in Zimbabwe using ideal gas monetary model by using %K Econophysics, Monetary Pattern, Zimbabwe, Ideal Gas, Pressure, Power Purchase, Volume, Amount of Money Circulating, Temperature, Gross Domestic Product. %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib46838