%A NIM.: 16730014 Pratiwi Eka Wijayanti %O Pembimbing: Dr. Yani Tri Wijayanti, S. Sos.,M.Si %T INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION DESA WISATA (STUDI DESKRIPTIF KUALITATIF DI DESA WISATA PULESARI YOGYAKARTA) %X The tourism sector is one of the sectors that is the strength of the Indonesian economy, therefore it has an important role so that it gets special attention and gets a place to be the name of one of the ministries (Kemenparkraf). In addition to general Indonesia, tourism has also become the strength of several regions, such as Yogyakarta, precisely in Sleman. In this study the Sleman area itself focuses on the city branding program, which is an image management of an area that seeks to have innovations in the tourism industry that strategically coordinates economic, commercial, socio-cultural and regulatory. This is also to support the development of the potential of tourist villages that make the community as subjects and objects whose hope is that the tourist village can become an independent community that with local strengths can develop its potential such as Pulesari Tourism Village. Pulesari Tourism Village is one example of a tourist village that concretely practices city branding through various conventional media or not or commonly referred to as Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). This study uses a qualitative descriptive method where data collection is carried out by interviewing the policy makers of Pulesari Tourism Village. The results of this study found that Pulesari Tourism Village has carried out Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) through Advertising, Sales Promotion, Events and Experiences, Public Relations and Publicity, Online Marketing and Social Media, Cellular Marketing, Direct Marketing and Personal Selling through TV, brochures, newspaper, Facebook, Instagram, Website and related government which are packaged in the form of offering tour packages which also offer packages for students and packages for overnight stays. %K Metode, Sosial Media, Komunitas, Media %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib46872