%A Chief Executive, National Library of Korea Hye Ran Suh %T NATIONAL LIBRARY OF KOREA’S DIGITIZATION SERVICE %X Implement systematic high quality/mass digitization of the NLK’s collection and rare materials of culture and art institutions to expand content. Establish and manage resource creation guideline to define standard data and digitize contents by form and media Increased participation of national and institutions under MCST including the National Museum of Korea, National Folklore Museum, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art and national/public institutions including the Cultural Heritage Administration, National Institute of Korean History, Independence Hall of Korea, Korea Democracy Foundation %K Korean Memory Establishment, National Collection Digitization And Service, Opening, Sharing And Expanding Digitized Materials %D 2021 %C National Library of Korea %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga Library Yogyakarta Indonesia, SLA Asia, and APPTIS %L digilib46912