%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Ibrahim, S.E, NIM.: 17208010019 %B FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS ISLAM %D 2021 %F digilib:46939 %I SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Usaha BUMDes, Potensi Desa, SWOT, Penerapan Ekonomi Islam pada BUMDes %P 175 %T POTENSI DESA DAN STRATEGI PENERAPAN EKONOMI ISLAM DALAM PENGELOLAAN BISNIS BUMDES (STUDI KASUS BUMDES DI DESA ROMPO, DESA KARUMBU, DAN DESA RUPE KECAMATAN LANGGUDU KABUPATEN BIMA, NUSA TENGGARA BARAT) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/46939/ %X The title of this thesis is Village Potential and Strategy for the Implementation of Islamic Economics in BUMDes Business Management (Case Study of BUMDes in Rompo Village, Karumbu Village, and Rupe Village, Langgudu District, Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara). This title is motivated by the not yet maximal role of the BUMDes institution as a village business driver that carries a social mission and commercial mission in the three villages that are the object of this research, which is allegedly caused by the low capacity of human resources, and business units that are not based on village potential and the potential for (spiritual) awareness to want to deal with sharia principles need to be accommodated. Based on this background, there are 2 main problems to be answered, namely (1) What is the potential of the village that can be managed for the development of BUMDes business units in Rompo Village, Karumbu Village, and Village and (2) How is the strategy for implementing Islamic economics (sharia). ) in Rupe BUMDes Business management. To answer these problems, the researcher uses two analyzes as a theoretical framework, namely village potential analysis, and SWOT analysis. The results of the research from the analysis of the potential of the village business sectors that are feasible to be developed are businesses in the real sector (agriculture, livestock, and fisheries), trade, tourism, and agro-industry sectors. While the results of the SWOT analysis recommend (a) S-O Strategy The BUMDes Business management approach uses Islamic principles with a business unit management strategy based on the real sector and business units of Islamic microfinance institutions. (b) W-O Strategy, HR development strategy and entrepreneurship (c) ST Strategy, Islamic economic implementation strategy. (d) W-T Strategy Building awareness and motivation to work and be syirkah with the concept of Islam, Instilling values of concern for local village products, Increasing participation of business actors, and Developing several business lines %Z Pembimbing : Dr. Abdul Haris M.Ag