%A NIM.: 19208010032 Maisa Tiara %O Pembimbing : Dr. Sunaryati, S.E., M.Si %T DETERMINAN KEMISKINAN PADA 10 PROVINSI DI SUMATERA DALAM PERSPEKTIF SOSIO EKONOMI IBNU KHALDUN %X Ibn Khaldun asserts a dynamic model in which every variable in it influences each other to see the fall and rise of a civilization. This study aims to determinant the influence of factors in Ibn Khaldun’s socio-economic model that affect the poverty level 10 provinces of Sumatra by using the variables of Democracy, Regional Revenue and Expenditure, labor force participation rate, gross regional domestic product (GRDP), human development index (HDI) and gini index. The research period used is panel data. This research method used quantitative methods and the model used is panel data regression model whith data sourced from the central statistics agency and the regional finance agency. The results show that the HDI and Democracy variable has an effect on poverty in 10 provinces of Sumatra. while the GRDP, Regional Expenditure Budget, Labor Force, and Gini index variables have no effect on the poverty level. %K Kemiskinan, Demokrasi, APBD, Angkatan Kerja, PDRB, IPM, Indeks Gini %D 2021 %I SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib46975