%0 Thesis %9 Doctoral %A Ahmadi, S.Pd.I, M.Pd.I, NIM.: 1530010010 %B PASCASARJANA %D 2021 %F digilib:46995 %I SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Epistemology, Curriculum, Rusydi Ahmad Thu'aimah %P 300 %T BINA' MANHAJ TA'LI AL-LUGHAH AL-ARABIAH LIGHAIR AL-NATIQIN BIHA: DIRASAH IBISTIMULUJIAH 'AN FIKRAH RUSDI AHMAD THU'AIMAH %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/46995/ %X Philosophy studies have a greater potential for implication on the access and development of the Arabic language education curriculum. The curriculum on scholarly discourse in education has a philosophical, historical, psychological and sociological basis. Meanwhile, the device's principle and theory in the development of the Arabic language education curriculum has not experienced significant progress, if seen from some aspects. Firstly, that Arabic language as the language of religion is over 14 centuries old. Secondly, the focus and development of the curriculum is not yet equivalent to other foreign languages. Third, the spirit and orientation of the Arabic scholars have not grown and developed in an effort to be interrogated with other disciplines (interdisciplinary). Fourth, the philosophical Foundation is less obvious, so the epistemological construction of the development curriculum of Arabic language education has not represent needs in the field. It is behind this research, which aims to explore and find a skeleton epistemology of the curriculum of Arabic language education from the thought Rusdy Ahmad Thua'imah. The construction of research and findings in this study was obtained through a philosophical approach (Maqârabah Falsafiyah) and refers to the type of literature research (library Research), which focuses more on the theoretical philosophic than empirical tests. The source of data acquisition in this research comes from books by Rusydi Ahmad Thua'imah, and coupled with data sources in journals, books, internet and other data that is documentative. Data collection is a single documentation with stages: (1) Study the authenticity of documents or data; (2) validity or correctness of the contents of documents or data; and (3) The relevance of documents or data with the subject matter examined in this study. Then the collected data is analyzed using the descriptiveanalytice method with the description, comparation, interpretation, and conclution stages. The theoretical framework used is the theory of Knowledge (Epistemology) or commonly called Theory of Science. In theory there are at least four points, namely; Resources, methods or workways, and validity. After thorough analysis and study, the results of this research obtained two findings in response to the academic anxiety contained in the formulation of problems, namely: 1) language according to Rusdy Ahmad Thu'aimah, not only as a means of communication, and the media exchange the thought and the idea more than that the Arabic language is a language that reflects the human construction of its environment, namely:, A symbol means expressing something that has the meaning behind the mark. (b) The language is a sound, in the form of humanspeech. (c) Language is system, which is the rule by which something can work optimally. (d) Language is customary, language is an inheritance that has been received by mankind from generation to generation. (e) Languages are cultural, language learning also learns the culture where the language is born and grows. (f) Language is a communication that is able to convey his thoughts to others and to understand their ideas on the basis of understanding (Al-Fahm) and to make an understanding (Al- Tafahum). 2) Foundation of the development of Arabic curriculum, according to Rusydi Ahmad Thu'aimah should be based on three things, first; Linguistics, second, sociology and third, learners. The relevance of the thought Rusydi Ahmad Thu'aimah in developing the Arabic language curriculum in Indonesia can be seen in various aspects: (a) the level of approach, researchers found that the relevant approach to learners of Arabic is a pragmatic-humanist approach; (b) The level of method resulting from this approach is the Audiolingual Method (Sam'iyyah Syafawiyah) and the Total Physical Response method; (c) The level of the English language learner is the four material criteria of validity, significance, tendency, individual care and universality; and (d) evaluation level there are several principles of evaluation that must be held as a standardized system of education institutions, namely the principle; is valid, educational, competency oriented, fair and objective, open, sustainable and thorough. The findings in this study (Contribution to Knwoladge) is that there is an approach offered in Arabic learning that is a pragmatic-humanist approach (Muqârabah al-Baragmatiyah al- Insaniyyah). %Z Promotor : Prof. Dr. Sugeng Sugyiono, S.Ag, M.A dan Dr. Muhajir, S.Ag, M.S.I