%A NIM.: 17200010072 Burhan Alimussirri %O Pembimbing : Dr. Subaidi, S.Ag., M.Si. %T PARADIGMA MAQASHID SYARIAH AS-SYATHIBI: MEMBONGKAR KONSTRUKSI ISTINBAT AL-HUKM DALAM AL MUWAFAQAT %X Al-Qur’an reveals to Muhammad for serving of Muslim life because it requires a more rigid explanation, especially regarding Islamic law. The study of ushul fiqh is used to determine, articulate, and provide more information on the main sources of the main propositions of Islam. The characteristics and specifications in Islamic studies, the main locus of ushul fiqh is to seek, to find the Allah’ purposes which are contained in the texts of the Qur'an and hadith by observing to changes both space and time. Maqashid sharia becomes the main purpose of which is composed of construction syar'i lead people to remain in the syara’ corridor. This research is qualitative research by describing all sources of research data descriptively. Both constructions and paradigms in As-syathibi’s perspective, these are formulated two questions, first, how is the maqashid sharia paradigm of As-syathibi? After knowing the views of As-syathibi to fiqh studies, second, how istinbath construction law and its relevance in the study of ushul fiqh? From the two formulations of the statement problem, this study finds first, the paradigm construction from As-syathibi's perspective bridges the possibility to get the universality of the proposition in Islamic law has always provided a constructive insight into the development of this studies. It is possible that the contribution of As-syathibi's thought in supporting the improvement and innovation are the classification of sharia maqashid, the methodology of legal istinbath, and other novelty of thought. %K Ushul Fiqh, Maqashid Syariah, Istinbath Hukum, al-Muwafaqat, As-syathibi %D 2021 %I SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib47017