%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Apriliyani Harahap, S. Hum, NIM.: 18200010202 %B PASCASARJANA %D 2021 %F digilib:47060 %I SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Konstruksi Kecantikan; Perempuan Sudan; Media Sosial. %P 134 %T PEREMPUAN, KECANTIKAN DAN KONSTRUKSI SOSIAL (POTRET KECANTIKAN PEREMPUAN SUDAN DI MEDIA SOSIAL) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/47060/ %X The crisis of national identity hit Sudanese women who were dominated by African ethnicity as a result of the beauty supremacy of the Arabian look. This is confirmed by several uploads on social media which belong to influential public figures and MUA (MakeUp Artist) which have a significant influence on the definition of beauty in society, especially Sudanese women. On the other hand, there are several posts on social media that narrate that being born with African ethnic beauty features is not a mistake, therefore no need to be modified to achieve beauty standards. The researcher uses the social construction theory of Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann in analyzing the problems surrounding the portrait of Sudanese women's beauty construction on social media. The research methodology used in this research is virtual ethnography. The aim is to interpret and describe the interrelated and learned patterns of cultural groups and the social phenomena that surround them. The results of this study found that the Arabian look construction of Sudanese women is influenced by several aspects, namely the visualization of men, colonialism, beauty products, and social media. The four aspects are interrelated, work simultaneously and stimulate each other. This form of beauty construction is a moment of objectification which is externalized by Sudanese women into a social reality. The dominance of the Arabian look on Sudanese women as a representation of beauty standards is an imaginative beauty framing packaged by MUA (MakeUp Artist) and influential public figures in shaping the perception of beauty which is actually contrary to the locality aspect of African ethnic Sudanese women. This is confirmed by the researcher's findings that the use of the phrase 'brightening' has a similar meaning to 'whitening'. In fact, 'brightening' and 'whitening' are not compatible with the biological aspects of African ethnicity %Z Pembimbing : Mohammad Yunus, L.c., M.A., Ph. D