%A NIM.: 14430075 Bella Febrica A.R. %O Pembimbing: Hafidh ‘Aziz, M.Pd.I %T PENGUASAAN KOSA KATA BAHASA ARAB MELALUI LAGU PADA ANAK KELAS B DI TK ABA TEMUWUH KIDUL BALECATUR GAMPING SLEMAN YOGYAKARTA %X The aim of this research is: (1) To find out how much the children’s Arabic vocabulary mastery is before the activities trough songs are held, (2) To find out the implementation of mastery of Arabic vocabulary through song in group B kindergarten ABA Temuwuh Kidul, (3) To finf out how much Arabic vocabulary mastery in group B children in ABA Temuwuh Kidul kindergarten after activities through songs were held. This type of research is classroom action research (PTK), this research is carried out in 2 cycles by taking data by observation and documentation. The order of implementation of this research includes: (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) observation, (4) reflection. The data analysis used by the researcher is a qualitative description and a quantitative description. Qualitative data obtained from analyzing the results of observation notes and documentation. Quantitative data obtained from analyzing observational data based on table presentations and percentages. Determining the criteria in this study using the formula developed by Ngalim Purwanto. The results showed that: (1) The mastery of Arabic vocabulary for children in group B of kindergarten ABA Temuwuh Kidul before the implementation action was only 29%. (2) The application of songs in Arabic vocabulary masterry for childer of group B kindergarten ABA Temuwuh Kidul by 55%. The implementation of test activities and singing Arabic vocabulary songs succeeded in increasing in cycle I. (3) After the implementation of learning using Arabic vocabulary songs, there was an increase in children’s Arabic vocabulary mastery in cycle II increased to 94%. The results of this study have met the achievement indicator that through songs mastering Arabic vocabulary can be absorbed by children easily. %K Kosa Kata; Bahasa Arab; Lagu %D 2021 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib47065