%A NIM.: 19200010008 Muhammad Rahmani Yusuf %O Pembimbing : Dr. Nurdin Laugu, SS., MA. %T KONSTRUKSI IDENTITAS KEAGAMAAN BERBASIS LITERATUR DIGITAL DI KALANGAN REMAJA MUSLIM PERKOTAAN (STUDI KASUS PADA ANGKATAN MUDA SABILAL MUHTADIN KOTA BANJARMASIN) %X Easy access to information coupled with a mix of media offers open space for Muslim youth to act more flexibly within an organization and form a purposefully integrated culture. Discourse is created through information content that is intentionally conveyed online, exchanging ideas to build the reader's thinking and ultimately forming his or her organization's identity. Today's virtual space is filled with not only new media originating from traditional Islam. This then raises the competition for which media is the most popular or used by Muslim youth in the virtual space between the two traditional and transnational Islamic camps in consuming their Islamic literature in order to form their religious identity. At the stage of forming one's religious identity, there are three stages, namely religion as an ascribed identity; religion as the chosen identity; and religion as the declared identity. Then the religion discussed in this study is not based on religious arguments, but about religion, namely the experiences and feelings of urban Muslim youth related to religious factors which in this study were limited to credo (belief), dromena (worship), and legoumena. (remember Allah). This study aims to find out what kind of digital literature and what motives make urban Muslim youth use these references, as well as how they construct identity in their religious practice based on digital literature. To find out the process of forming adolescent religious identity, this study uses Peter L. Berger's construction theory, using a qualitative approach to selected members of AMSM Banjarmasin City. Data collection in this study was carried out using observation, interview and documentation techniques. The determination of informants in this study was obtained by purposive sampling technique which was then analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model which includes data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results showed that the informants used internet sites such as Yufid.com, Nu.or.id., Islamqa.info, Muslimah.or.id, and Islam.com with the motive of adding scientific references, and detailed insights about Islam. obtained quickly, easily, practically. They feel helped in carrying out various kinds of worship activities. In the process of forming religious identity, the basic structure of knowledge that has been internalized is not changed by externalizing aspects of the creed in adolescent cognitive development. The presence of secondary socialization in the drama element has an impact on self-change, where thedisobedient self becomes obedient and vice versa, this is supported by the emergence of socialization from social groups and literature sources. As for the legoumena, individuals with differences in primary and secondary socialization showed that the informants continued to argue by starting their work and ending it by remembering Allah. %K Remaja Muslim, Identitas Keagamaan, Literatur Digital. %D 2021 %I SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib47083