%A NIM.: 19200010042 Umar Dahalu %O Pembimbing : Dr. Muryanti, S.Sos.,M.A %T PEMENUHAN HAK KESEJAHTERAAN SOSIAL BAGI MASYARAKAT MISKIN DI TENGAH PANDEMI COVID 19 DI KABUPATEN POLEWALI MANDAR SULAWESI BARAT %X This research is about the fulfillment of social welfare rights for the poor societies in the midst of pandemic of Covid 19 in Polewali Mandar Regency which aims to study and analyze the implementation of social welfare programs for the poor society in the midst of a pandemic in Polewali Mandar and the strategies that can be carried out as an effort to optimize the fulfillments of social welfare rights for the poor society in the midst of the pandemic in Polewali Mandar. This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The data collection is done by conducting observation, interviews, documentation and reference searches. The result of research indicate that the application of the government assistance programs to the poor society those are the local government collect data from every village or sub-district in Polewali Mandar then the data must be registered with the DTKS (Data Terpadu Kesejahteraan Sosial/Social Welfare Integrated Data) and show a certificate of not capable from village or ward, even though in reality the statements of the society who were the sources in the interviews there were several contradictory things between society and government. Fist, regarding assistant, there are several society that had been recorded by the village as a poor society but have not received assistant until now. Second, the government has conducted socialization through circulars to all hamlet head but this is not effective because many recipients do not know the value of the assistance and how long the program will take. Distribution of assistance from the government to the poor society in the midst of a pandemic in Polewali Mandar Regency is through procedures that determined by the regional government where the distribution has been determined based on the data from local villages. The activity is right and must be done, because in carrying out a program if it is not supervised, controlled, and there is not further guidance, the program does not know where it will be directed. But in reality it is less effective, because there are still many poor society who have enter the data and fulfill the criteria but do not receive any assistance from the government. %K Perlindungan Sosial ,Hak Kesejahteraan, Masyarakat Miskin %D 2021 %I SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib47114