@mastersthesis{digilib47129, month = {August}, title = {POLITIK EKONOMI JEMAAH TARBIYAH DALAM MASYARAKAT URBAN (STUDI KASUS YAYASAN ASH-SHOHWAH KOTA MALANG)}, school = {SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 19200013020 A?isyah, S.H.}, year = {2021}, note = {Pembimbing : Zulkipli Lessy, S.Ag., S.Pd., M.Ag., M.S.W}, keywords = {Politik Ekonomi, Filantropi, Elektoral, Kampanye}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/47129/}, abstract = {Moving on from the phenomenon of the increase in PKS electoral votes in the 2019 Legislative Election in Malang City, the authors found the economics politics influence of the Tarbiyah congregation in urban communities as a booster for PKS electability. The philanthropic portrait becomes the main point of view in exploring the factors of social change that occur, especially in the city of Malang. For this reason, the authors took the subject of research in the Islamic philanthropic institution Yayasan Ash-Shohwah (YASA) Malang City as an institution dominated by Tarbiyah sympathizers. The factors that support the running of Jemaah Tarbiyah's economics politics are divided into strategies, roles and participation of the Yayasan Ash-Shohwah (YASA) Malang City. Through the da'wah paradigm strategy, the Tarbiyah congregation uses the authority of Ustaz Abu Haidar through the Majelis Duha Malang, namely establishing the stigma of prayer as a benchmark for success in life which has succeeded in reaping tens of thousands of congregations, especially Training Salat 123. Then, the role of the Yayasan Ash-Shohwah (YASA) Malang City is to educate the urban community that zakat is a lifestyle to take their 'charity politics'. In addition, the Ash-Shohwah Foundation (YASA) of Malang City acts as an intermediary for 'mass-elite' or 'mustahik-kader' relations which in part have implications for trust and electoral gains. Furthermore, the participation of the urban community, especially the donors, is seen with the principle of distributing as much wealth as possible which is the motive for solidarity through religious studies in urban mosques. Through the same pattern, philanthropy in Malang City attracted the participation of urban communities with religious campaigns by presenting influential people such as Astri Ivo as representatives of Ustazah Hijrah, Indadari and Baraa Masoud who represented Palestine. Finally, these three factors can attract Jemaah's participation in economic politics. The results show that the economics politics of Jemaah Tarbiyah has initiated the achievement of electoral promotion through philanthropic channels in the form of indirect support and campaign funds. With the political tendency of Yayasan Ash-Shohwah (YASA) Malang City to offer philanthropic studies which has now shifted, where in general a philanthropy is only a place for gathering humanitarian and philanthropic funds, then changing orientation to campaign funds by going through several stages.} }